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One post tagged with "tutorial"

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· One min read
Rosi Bajari
Claudia Dennler

Setting up the blog

Running the blog locally

  • Pull the repository
  • install npm
  • npm run start to run a local copy.

Adding your user as an author

If this is your first time contributing to the blog, add yourself to /blog/authors.yml so your user can be referenced easily.

Follow the formatting of the yaml:

name: Rosi Bajari
title: Product Owner

You can use a hosted image, or one stored in the static image folder for your avatar.

Contributing a blog post

To start a blog post, simply add Markdown files (or folders) to the blog directory. Initalize the markdown file with the required headings:

slug: welcome
title: Welcome
authors: [rbajari, cdennler]
tags: [blog, writing, tutorial]

The blog post date can be extracted from filenames, such as:

  • 2019-05-30-welcome/

A blog post folder can be convenient to co-locate blog post images. For example:

![Pretty Cells](./cell-shade.jpeg)

Pretty Cells

The blog supports tags as well!