Input Files
The following table lists the input files for Bases2Fastq. Bases2Fastq only uses the alignment file when the run manifest setting SpikeInAsUnassigned
is set to True
File | Directory and File Name | Description | Quantity |
Alignment | Root/Alignment/{read}_{tile}.aln | Binary files that indicate which polonies align to the PhiX Control Library | One per tile per read |
Bases | Root/BaseCalls/{read}_C{cycle:000}.zip | Binary files that contain base calls and associated Q scores | One per read and cycle |
Filter | Root/Filter/{tile}.filter | Binary files that contain the filter status for each polony | One per tile |
Location | Root/Location/{tile}.loc | Binary files that identify polony locations on the flow cell | One per tile |
Run manifest, CSV | Root/RunManifest.csv | CSV file that records biological sample information and analysis settings | One per run |
Run manifest, JSON | Root/RunManifest.json | JSON file reserved for Element processes | One per run |
Run parameters | Root/RunParameters.json | JSON file that records information about the run configuration | One per run |