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Output Files

The following table lists the files and folders that Cells2Stats outputs. Parquet files are column-based files that efficiently store data. For more information, see the Apache Parquet Documentation.

FileDirectory and File NameDescriptionQuantity
Run manifest{root}/RunManifest.jsonJSON file reserved for Element processesOne per run
Run parameters{root}/RunParameters.jsonJSON file that records information about the run configurationOne per run
Run Stats{root}/RunStats.jsonJSON file that records overall statistics about the runOne per run
Panel{root}/Panel.jsonJSON file that records information about the targets for the runOne per run
Cell Segmentation Mask{root}/CellSegmentation/{well}/{tile}_Cell.tifCell segmentation masks for a well, where the value for a pixel in a cell is the cell IDOne per tile per well
Nuclear Segmentation Mask{root}/CellSegmentation/{well}/{tile}_Nuclear.tifNuclear segmentation masks for a well, where the value for a pixel in a nucleus is 1One per tile per well
Average Normalized Well Statistics{root}/AverageNormWellStats.csvFiltered and average metrics for each well in the runOne per run
Versions, JSON{root}/Versions.jsonFile that reports the version number for CSV output files and bundled software programsOne per run
Raw Cell Statistics, CSV{root}/RawCellStats.csvCSV file that reports values per cell for all morphology features and raw target counts in a runOne per run
Raw Cell Statistics, Parquet{root}/RawCellStats.parquetParquet file that reports values per cell for all morphology features and raw target counts in a runOne per run
Barcodes{root}/Wells/{well}/{batch}/{tile}_barcodes.parquetParquet files that provide barcoding information for each polony in a tileOne per tile per batch per well
Cells2Stats Log{root}/Log/Cells2Stats.logFile recording logs for Cells2Stats executionOne per run

Visualization Files

In addition to these files, there is a visualization folder which is generated when the --visualization or --visualization-only flags are run, an additional Log file. Additional files and folders generated when visualization is run are below:

FileDirectory and File NameDescriptionQuantity
cyto.viz{root}/visualization/cyto.vizFile for use by Element Biosciences CytoCanvas toolOne per execution, when visualization is executed
Visualization.log{root}/Log/Visualization.logFile recording logs for the visualiation executionOne per execution, when visualization is executed
cells{root}/visualization/cellsAdditional folder Used by CytoCanvas for cell boundariesOne per execution, when visualization is executed
targets{root}/visualization/targetsAdditional folder used by CytoCanvas to specify targets and locationsOne per execution, when visualization is executed
locations{root}/visualization/locationsAdditional folder used by CytoCanvas to specify targets and locationsOne per execution, when visualization is executed
Multiscale_flowcell.zarr{root}/visualization/multiscale_flowcell.zarrAdditional folder containing imaging channels in PNG in a ome-zarr format.One per execution, when visualization is executed


The output files contain a variety of metrics, including tile-specific and average metrics.

  • The RawCellStats.csv and RawCellStats.parquet contain a full set of morphology and quantification metrics for each target and batch.
  • The AverageNormWellStats.csv file provides averages of these metrics for each well. Metrics that end with .std provide the standard deviation for the metric.

The files report metrics from the following CellProfiler modules, unless the user runs with the `--skip-cellprofiler' flag:

  • MeasureObjectSizeShape
  • MeasureGranularity
  • MeasureObjectIntensity
  • MeasureObjectIntensityDistribution
  • MeasureTexture

Certain metrics from these modules are not available in these files. For example, the output files do not report Zernike metrics. In some files, columns for Z-axis metrics appear with values of 0. Z-axis metrics are not available in the RawCellStats.csv and RawCellStats.parquet files because they are not relevant to the analysis output.

For more information on the cytoprofiling metrics, see the measurement information in the CellProfiler Manuals.

Run Statistics

The RunStats.json provides overall run statistics.

The following table describes the run statistics fields.

FieldDescriptionData Type
AnalysisIDUnique ID for the analysis.String
AnalysisVersionVersion of the analysis software.String
FileVersionVersion of the file format.String
FlowCellIDID of the flow cell used.String
RunIDUnique ID for the run.String
RunNameName of the sequencing run.String
DemuxStatsStatistics related to demultiplexing.Object
NumPoloniesNumber of polonies detected.Integer
PercentAssignedReadsPercentage of reads assigned to targets.Float
PercentMismatchPercentage of reads with at least on base pair mismatch.Float
BatchesList of batch-specific statistics.Array of Objects
BatchNameName of the batch.String
TargetsList of target-specific statistics.Array of Objects
TargetNameName of the sequencing target.String
ExpectedSequenceExpected DNA sequence for the target.String
NumPoloniesNumber of polonies assigned to this target.Integer
PercentMismatchPercentage of reads assigned to this target with at least one base pair mismatch.Float
WellsList of well-specific statistics.Array of Objects
WellLocationLocation of the well, e.g. A1-F2.String
NumPoloniesNumber of polonies in this well.Integer
PercentAssignedReadsPercentage of reads assigned to targets in well.Float
PercentMismatchPercentage of reads in this well with at least one base pair mismatch.Float
UnassignedSequencesList of unassigned sequence details.Array of Objects
CountCount of how many times a particular unassigned sequence appears.Integer
SequenceDNA sequence of unassigned reads.String


The Versions.json reports out the version number for CSV output files and bundled software programs

The following table describes the run statistics fields.

FieldDescriptionData Type
FileVersionOverall version of the file.String
FileVersionsVersions of individual files in the dataset.Object
AverageNormWellStats.csvVersion of AverageNormWellStats.csv file.String
RawCellStats.csvVersion of RawCellStats.csv file.String
ProgramVersionsVersions of programs used in the analysis.Object
CellProfilerVersion of the CellProfiler program.String

Other Files

Several of the files are copied from the input directory, including the RunManifest.json, RunParameters.json, Panel.json, Cell Segmentation Masks, Nuclear Segmentation Masks, and Barcodes. For more information on these files, see Cytoprofiling Run Ouput Files.