Optional Arguments
The following arguments are optional additions to a Cells2Stats execution command.
Use --batch
or -b
to specify which batches of B01-B07 to use.
cells2stats /input -b B01
cells2stats /input --batch B01
The following example includes B01, B02, and B03.
cells2stats /input -b B01,B02,B03
cells2stats /input --batch B01,B02,B03
Use --cellprofiler
or -c
to specify the path to the CellProfiler utility to use. This is an external dependency used to generate morphology metrics. If you do not want to specify a CellProfiler utility and do not have CellProfiler installed, run with [--skip-cellprofiler](#--skip-cellprofiler)
cells2stats /input -c /path/to/cellprofiler
cells2stats /input --cellprofiler /path/to/cellprofiler
Use --error-on-missing
or -m
to make an execution terminate when a non-critical file is missing, rather than the default behavior of skipping the file and continuing the execution.
cells2stats /input --error-on-missing
Use --help
or -h
to display the usage statement for Cells2Stats.
cells2stats -h
cells2stats --help
Use --input-remote
or -i
to set the rclone remote name that points to the input files.
cells2stats /input --input-remote '<input-name>'
Use --log-level
or -l
to specify the minimum level required to log an event. Use one of the following valid values. The default value is INFO
cells2stats /input -l DEBUG
cells2stats /input --log-level WARNING
Use --max-unassigned
or -u
to limit the number of unassigned sequenced reported, from 1-10000 sequences. By default, the value is set to 30.
cells2stats /input -u 100
Use --no-error-on-invalid
or -n
to skip non-critical files that Cells2Stats identifies as invalid.
cells2stats /input --no-error-on-invalid
Use --num-threads
or -j
to specify the number of threads to use for processing, with a minimum value of 1
and a maximum value that depends on your system. The default value is 1
cells2stats /input -j 8
cells2stats /input --num-threads 8
Use --output
or -o
to specify the location to save the output. The default is the INPUT_RUN_DIRECTORY/Cytoprofiling/<timestamp>
cells2stats /input -o /output
Use --output-remote
to set the rclone remote name that points to the output files.
cells2stats /input -o /output --output-remote '<output-name>'
Use --panel
or -p
to set the path to the panel file. The file path can direct to a local or remote location.
cells2stats /input -o /output -p /panel
cells2stats /input -o /output --panel /input/<corrected_panel_filename>.json
Use --python
or -P
to set the path to set the python version to execute.
cells2stats /input -o /output -P /path/to/python/version
cells2stats /input -o /output --python /path/to/python/version
## --run-manifest
Use `--run-manifest` or `-r` to define the location of an alternate run manifest for the execution instead of the `RunManifest.csv` file output by the instrument. For information on corrected run manifests, see the [Run Manifest Documentation](/docs/run-manifest/#corrected-run-manifest).
cells2stats /input -o /output -r /input/<corrected_manifest_filename.csv>
cells2stats /input -o /output --run-manifest /input/<corrected_manifest_filename.csv>
Use --segmentation
or -S
to pass in a directory of alternative cell segmentation masks. To learn more about how to create a directory of cell segmentation masks, see our Resegmentation Using Python tutorial and see the expected format of an Alternative Cell Segmentation Directory.
cells2stats /input -o /output --segmentation /input/<path-to-alternative-cell-segmentation-directory>
cells2stats /input -o /output -S /input/<path-to-alternative-cell-segmentation-directory>
Use --skip-cellprofiler
to skip the execution of CellProfiler. This saves execution time and allows you to run Cells2Stats without a CellProfiler dependency. When you skip the execution of CellProfiler, morphology features will not be generated in your RawCellStats.csv
or RawCellStats.parquet
cells2stats /input --skip-cellprofiler
cells2stats /input -s
Use --tile
or -t
to specify the tiles to run on. The argument uses regex to identify the selected tiles.
cells2stats -t L1R05C03S1
cells2stats --tile L1R05C03S1
The following example includes the subset of tiles in Lane 1 L1R..C..S.
cells2stats --tile L1R..C..S.
Use --verbose-transfer, -T
to print file names to the terminal when logs are copied.
cells2stats --verbose-transfer, -T
Use --version
or -v
to display the current version of Cells2Stats. Cells2Stats logs the version at the start of any execution on the command line and in the log file.
cells2stats -v
cells2stats --version
Use --visualization
or -V
to create CytoCanvas input files as part of the Cells2Stats output. Use this command if you have a directory of alternative segmentation masks for which you would like to perform target to cell assignment and regenerate all cell statistics files as well as visualization files. Otherwise, you likely want to use --visualization-only
cells2stats /input -V -S /input/<path-to-alternative-segmentation-masks>
cells2stats /input --visualization -S /input/<path-to-alternative-segmentation-masks>
Use --visualization-only
or -O
to create CytoCanvas input files as the Cells2Stats output without performing target to cell assignment or regenerating cell statistics files. Use this command if you want to prepare your original run output for visualization in CytoCanvas.
cells2stats /input -O
cells2stats /input --visualization-only
Use --well
or -w
to specify which well of A1-F2 to use for a run using a 12-well consumable.
cells2stats -w A1
cells2stats --well A1
The following example includes wells A1, A2, and B1.
cells2stats -w A1,A2,B1
cells2stats --well A1,A2,B1