Workflow Library
Cards on the Workflow Library page display high-level information about each Analysis Workflow. Workflows that are for sequencing data have a blue/teal header and workflows that are for cytoprofiling data have a purple/pink header.
Analysis flows can be set up in ElemBio Cloud, to configure these workflows to automatically or manually initiate analysis when a run or other analysis completes.
Basic Assignment Workflows
ElemBio Cloud supports the following verified workflows that help with initial file conversion and assignment. In ElemBio Cloud, this type of workflow is represented by a purple tag for simple reference. Learn more about each workflow in the corresponding Analysis Workflows section.
Secondary Analysis for Sequencing Workflows
ElemBio Cloud supports a growing list of workflows that perform secondary analysis after assignment workflows are completed. In ElemBio Cloud, this type of workflow is represented by a pink tag for simple reference. Learn more about each workflow in the corresponding Analysis Workflows section.